Puzzle Page

From Dozenal Journal no.8

(Puzzles taken or adapted from Dudeney's books)

The number 3025 (base ten) is written on a piece of paper and this is torn in two: (30), (25).

Note that (30+25)2 = 552 = 3025, the original number. Another such number in base ten is 9801.

Here's another, sent in by Valerio Deo (Brazil): (20+25)2 = 452 = 2025.
found by solving from the form a2 + bx + c = 0.

What about other bases?

Two solutions in base twelve are
36 + 30 = 66 and 662= 3630
ET + 01 = EE and EE2 = ET01

Summary to 11/7/2005

base 3base 4base 5base 6base 7
22: 210122: 121031: 201123: 101345: 3114
33: 320144: 430133: 201366: 6501
55: 5401
base 8base 9base tenbase elevenbase twelve
34: 142088: 870145: 202596: 831356: 2630
44: 242055: 3025TT: T90166: 3630
51: 322199: 9801EE: ET01
77: 7601

There's a pattern for the last entry for each base.
For any base, r, (r2-1)2 gives r4-2r2+1,
more obvious when written in reverse notation (q.v)

Anyone volunteer to try three-figure numbers? ....

Dan's contribution: (1/5/2006)

(NB using ABCDEF for digits, as in hexadecimal)

and he adds:
I've also recomputed the two-digit ones, with slightly different answers.

Dan's contributions copied from his post at the DozenalForum