about Digits...

There have been many suggestions for the two new digits required for base twelve - not counting the A and B of the hexadecimal system - as you'll see from other articles on this site.

To begin, here is the digit set as envisaged by Don Hammond (for some years Secretary of the DSGB). He devised this slightly different version of both extra symbols:

(See his other article in this section)

There have been many suggestions for the two symbols - and also quite a few for a completely new set of symbols. (For example, those of James Conlon, also in this section

A full set, suggested by Raymond Mason:

Here are two (suggested by Alice) - neatly adapted from the "A" and "B" used by the hexadecimalists

This is the set suggested by Louis Loynes:

Here are two from Tom Johnson:

"Dozenal Grumblings" from Noel Browning - (pdf file) has some remarks on the subject.

David James comments:

I had long thought that a dozenal base made far more sense than decimal; I just didn't know that others thought the same way. At any rate I had conceived of symbols for ten and eleven as well.
For ten it was a mirrored '4' through the horizontal bar of the 4. In practice this looks sort of like a tilted 'X' with its bottom points connected together, so it is reminiscent of the Roman ten. My symbol for eleven is a '7' mirrored on its vertical axis. I picked seven because of the similarity of the name (at least in English) and because of its simplicity.
After seeing Don Hammond's designs I still prefer my ten (the flipped 4) but I prefer his eleven (the reversed 3).

and names

There is also the question of how to name numbers, (see other articles on this site); if "thirteen" means "three plus ten" and "forty" is "four tens", what shall we call them in base twelve?
Thirteen becomes "a dozen and one" and forty "three dozen and four"; "onezen-one" and "threezen-four"? or, though it might sound like you've got a cold, "thirdy-four"?

In addition to new symbols for the digits there are many suggestions for the naming of numbers, some adapting the ones we have, some inventing completely new sets - and not just in English! (See the section "A Rose by any other Name"...)