Twelve Points
- The Dozenal Society of Great Britain exists to assert and show that a numbering base of twelve is better suited to modern calculating methods than is the present numbering base of ten, a fact that was realised by mathematicians some 400 years ago.
- Nature proceeds by twos, threes and fours, not just by twos and five as required by the decimal scale, and this should be reflected in our arithmetic.
- Decimal division is not a property of space, time or matter; dozenal division promotes a proper understanding of these entities.
- Traditional measures, which have their counterparts in all national systems, have developed down the ages for convenience in use. They are now being discarded for nothing more than administrative expediency.
- Metric measures, like recruits uniforms, come in two sizes - too large or too small for every-day use and which we cannot grow to fit.
- Common measures, like common laws, act as safeguards against loss of liberties of thought and action by technical trickery.
- "Reform of the measuring system" suggests improvement; the metric system is not an improvement on our traditional, practical, system. A change to the metric system will not benefit those who do everyday measuring.
Metrication is favoured more for its political use to control money, materials and men, in that order of importance, than for its presumed, and greatly over-rated, scientific merits.
- Dislike of, and aversion to, science and mathematics is largely due to the subjects not being taught in terms that accord with ordinary experience.
- All predictions of a regimented future seem to assume complete decimal metrication, including decimalised time.
- Most of us now live in complete ignorance of the processes on which we are absolutely dependent. Metrication, with its a-human units manipulated by abstract calculations, is a continuation of our alienation from the real world.
- We accept the need for an international system of measures, rationalised with the counting-system, but metric is a false start. Measurement should be made for man, not man for measurement.
- A common-sense combination of human-sized units within a divisible frame-work would suit the needs of all levels of use, and integrate scientific and social practices.
The DSGB and further information:
Calculations to a divisible scale of twelve numerals simplify operations and allow a precise representation of the basic ratios required to define the physical world or manage our material affairs.
The Society affirms this view with the object of unifying scientific and social practices.
Imperial units, with their simple ratios and small numbers, encourage mental arithmetic and comparisons; a dozenal scale of weights and measures would continue this facility.
The Dozenal Journal discussed twelve-based concepts, past, present and future, with their related topics.
It offered a venue for all wishing to retain practical weights and measures that have been evolved to suit human needs and comprehension, publishing informed comment on attempts to extend decimal-metric methods into areas where they are not appropriate.